The NY Radio Source specialises in live (via ISDN or phone) or recorded two-ways with stations, plus reports and packages on news, sports and entertainment events and issues, complete with interviews and vox pops.

We also hit the streets to gather the views and thoughts of New Yorkers on the hottest stories and issues of the day. If you haven't heard New Yorkers speak, trust us, they have opinions on every issue and like to speak their mind. It makes for great radio!

The New York Radio Source - links to anywhere in the world.

We also have access to major press conferences, and can feed you complete or edited clips via ISDN.

Plus, we run a regular package service of tightly edited programmes on contemporary issues.

Currently in production are:

"The Best of 7" -- A tight 3 minutes on the last seven days of American sports and international sporting events in the US, complete with clips of all-star athletes, coaches and fans!

"Meanwhile in America" -- highlights of US weekly news mixed with the week's top US pop hits.

"Big Apple Bites"-- the best sound-bites from the "Big Apple", New York City, featuring NY news, sports, entertainment, opinions, accents, and exclusive interviews from the city that never sleeps - presented by the SOURCE (which doesn't get much sleep either!)

The Best of 7 ... sports coverage

Big Apple Bites ... if it's happening
in NYC, we've got it covered.